Dear Shadow Child
I allow my mind to wander calmly, as it locks onto a memory. I have entered what feels like a meditative, walking dream. This world tilts and exists only in shades of muted grey. The air is dense with ancestral feelings stirring to life.
Rising Through Fear In Headstand
The most profound moment of my yoga practice didn’t happen in a class I was taking, or teaching. It didn’t occur in India, or within the calm of a yoga studio.
Selfish As a Sacred and Powerful Word
Reclaiming the language of self-commitment, surrender, and trust.
The Gifts of Silence And Nature
The deeper I moved into silence and nature, the more at home I felt in my own stellar skin.
Lessons From Grief
Grief is not our enemy.
Grief is simply love displaced.
The reminder that hope once lived here,
And rises still.